Sitting here in my cozy work room in the "tower" of our solar house, I appreciate the clear dark blue sky and the sunshine pouring in through the windows and the skylight. It's a different lifestyle living a solar existence. I have to be aware of my energy usage, especially on overcast days. I have to remember to shut off anything that is not being used and unplug power strips or any other devices that might be using "phantom power." So, on these sunny bright days, do I go outdoors and enjoy soaking up what little vitamin D is available during this season, or do I stay indoors and use the limitless power to write on my computer?
Today, I think I will choose both. I've been working indoors for hours and am finally ready to break for some outdoor work. I haven't yet finished putting my gardens to sleep, though they're almost there. I'm also trying to walk everyday. One would think that would be easy, but in light of my health issues, I'm forced to notice how sedentary my life actually seems to be. I have an active job, singing and dancing with children but that is not enough. On days when I go for a long walk, my blood pressure is normal and I sleep much better. But, I would much rather sit and play my instruments or write in my journal or write another memoir. I'd rather watch a documentary, catch up on my paperwork or try to book gigs. Those things can't be done outdoors with no wi-fi and certainly can't be done while exercising. What a dilemma! But the real question is, "Do I want to live a long and healthy life?" The answer to that is an obvious and resounding, Yes!" So out I go to ensure that eventuality. Want to join me?
January 2024